Aug. 2024 08
30th EAA Annual Meeting Session-Call for abstracts

We would like to invite you to submit abstracts to EEA 2024 Session #1120: Human environment interactions in the Eurasian steppes from prehistory to the early historical periods (Theme 7: Archaeology of Sustainability through World Crises, Climate Change and War) in Roma, Italy which will be held on August 28-31, 2024. The abstract submission deadline is Thursday, 8th February 2024.

Session Title: Human environment interactions in the Eurasian steppes from prehistory to the early historical periods

Main organizer:

Dr. Amy Cromartie (Cornell University)


Dr. Sébastien Joannin (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

Dr. Johanna Lhuillier (Centre national de la recherche scientifique)

Dr. Andrea Ricci (Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel)


Thursday, 8th February

Abstract submission link:

Session Description:

Today's climate crisis is causing aridification and desertification across the world. In the mid-latitudes, semi-arid and arid steppe biomes are under the most severe constraints. These biomes have seen their distribution expand (already more than 40% of the earth's surface) to the detriment of forested environments. As aridification continues, populations across these regions will be required to seek adaptation strategies to sustain their agro-pastoral and food production strategies, adaptations that have the potential to disrupt the steppe ecology.

The session focuses our inquiry on the past to find solutions to the complex challenges of living in and adapting to Eurasia's changing arid and semi-arid environments. Geographically, the mid-latitudes zones of Eurasia are an expansive continental zone characterized by a semi-arid climate dominated by steppes and desert biomes. These environments have been the backdrop of human populations across the Holocene, from nomadic to complex societies, and were home to the historic Silk Road.

For this session, we intend to gather papers that develop an interdisciplinary approach between archaeology, palaeoecology, and paleoclimatology to answer questions regarding sustainability, resilience, and adaptations between humans and their ecology across this vast geographic region. We welcome papers from archeology, paleoclimatology, paleoecology, archaeobotany, geoarchaeology, hydrology, landscape archeology, zooarchaeology, and related disciplines from local to regional scales. These papers can chronologically span prehistory to the early historical periods.

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